When you have written the text you want to make it into a 3D text you must go on modify you then right click were it says text and convert into an editable mesh then click polygons and highlight the whole text then extrude as far as you want it to be to make it 3D then you can click the "m" key on your keyboard to go to material editor to change the colours of the text.
With the material editor I changed a lot of things with my text i went on to diffuse which is the colour you can change that and the specular level and glossiness to make the colour a bit better then you can click the little box next to the diffuse which is where you can change multiple things. there are various different styles to choose from i chose the planet button and played about with all the colours to get it to what i have now which i think is a very good text.

As you can see there are many different colours all mixed in this text in fact there are 8 different colours mixed into this and there all different shades/colours which gives it this effect i think its very fancy and my sort of style i only did two texts because i took alot of time doing this text to the best i could get it to my image.

This text is a lot more simple i used the marble texture for this and then changed the vein width of this and made the lines thinner and more of them so its aqua with red lines through its simple but effective and i think its good.
After we did the text we learnt how to do animation you have to click auto key and highlight the object you want to move to make it animate so i made my text move around circle and go smaller and larger and made a simple animation then rendered this short seconds movie and saved it, Below is the video i made.
Then we did another animation which i made my car move and the ball bouncing as well as this to make two things in one animation the ball bounces off the car.